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New Hampshire Medical Malpractice Lawyer

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If you or a loved one have suffered harm or experienced the devastating consequences of medical negligence in New Hampshire, you’ve come to the right place. Our experienced team of medical malpractice lawyers at Coates Law Office is dedicated to fighting for your rights and seeking justice on your behalf. Medical malpractice cases are complex and require specialized knowledge of both the legal and medical fields. Our New Hamshire medical malpractice attorneys have extensive experience in handling medical malpractice claims and possess a deep understanding of intricate laws and regulations.

We firmly believe in holding negligent healthcare providers accountable for their actions and aspire to make a positive impact on enhancing patient safety. To ensure your legal rights are protected, contact our New Hampshire personal injury attorneys right away.

Common Types of Medical Malpractice Claims in New Hampshire

Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis

Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis occurs when a healthcare provider fails to accurately identify a patient’s condition or prolongs the process of arriving at an accurate diagnosis. This can have grave consequences as it deprives the patient of timely and suitable treatment, allowing the condition to deteriorate. Instances include misinterpretation of test results, disregarding crucial symptoms, or neglecting to order necessary diagnostic tests.

Errors During Surgery

Errors during surgery encompass a spectrum of mistakes made during surgical procedures. These errors may entail performing an incorrect surgery, operating on the wrong anatomical site, causing harm to adjacent tissues or organs, inadvertently leaving surgical instruments inside the patient’s body, or neglecting proper sterilization procedures. Surgical errors can lead to severe complications, infections, prolonged recovery periods, and irreversible damage.

Mistakes in Medication

Mistakes in medication occur when healthcare providers err in prescribing, administering, or monitoring medication. These errors can involve incorrect dosages, administration of the wrong medication, failure to account for drug interactions, or disregard for a patient’s allergies or medical history. Medication errors can result in adverse drug reactions, exacerbation of the patient’s condition, or the emergence of new health complications.

Birth-related Injuries

Birth-related injuries pertain to the harm experienced by newborns or mothers during childbirth due to medical negligence. Examples of such injuries include cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, brain damage, fractures, and maternal injuries. Medical negligence during prenatal care, labor, or delivery can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and financial ramifications for both the child and the parents.

Errors in Anesthesia Administration

Errors in anesthesia administration involve mistakes made during the delivery of anesthesia. These errors can range from miscalculating the appropriate dosage to neglecting the monitoring of the patient’s vital signs throughout the procedure. Anesthesia errors can result in complications such as brain damage, cardiac problems, respiratory issues, or even fatalities.

Failure to Obtain Informed Consent

Healthcare providers bear a legal and ethical responsibility to obtain informed consent from patients before conducting any medical procedure or treatment. Failure to adequately inform patients about the risks, benefits, and alternatives associated with a procedure, and to obtain their informed consent, may constitute medical malpractice if the patient suffers harm as a result.

Common Causes of Medical Malpractice in New Hampshire

The most common causes of medical malpractice include:

  • Miscommunication or lack of communication between a medical team.
  • Fatigued or overworked staff.
  • Unqualified or inadequately trained staff.
  • Unsanitary environment.
  • Lack of procedures and systems designed to reduce medical errors.
  • Failure to obtain informed consent.
  • Improperly maintained equipment.

Proving a Medical Malpractice Claim in New Hampshire

Proving a medical malpractice claim in New Hampshire requires establishing specific elements to demonstrate that healthcare providers failed to meet the standard of care, resulting in harm or personal injury. If you believe you have been a victim of medical malpractice, understanding the process of proving your claim is essential. Here are the key factors involved in proving a medical malpractice claim in New Hampshire:

Duty of Care

Establishing that a duty of care existed between the healthcare provider and the patient is essential in proving a medical malpractice claim. In New Hampshire, healthcare providers have a legal obligation to provide a certain standard of care to their patients. This duty of care is based on the professional relationship established between the provider and the patient.

Breach of the Standard of Care

The standard of care refers to the level of skill, knowledge, and care that a reasonably competent healthcare professional in the same field would provide under similar circumstances. Expert medical testimony is often crucial in establishing an acceptable standard of care and demonstrating how the defendant deviated from it. Demonstrating that the healthcare provider breached the applicable standard of care is crucial.


To have a viable medical malpractice claim, you must have suffered damages as a result of the healthcare provider’s negligence. Damages can include physical pain, emotional distress, additional medical expenses, loss of income or earning capacity, disability, or the need for ongoing medical care or rehabilitation. Documenting and quantifying your damages is crucial to support your claim and seek appropriate compensation.

Timely Filing

It’s important to note that medical malpractice claims in New Hampshire are subject to a statute of limitations. You must file your claim within the specified timeframe. Failing to file within the designated timeframe may result in the loss of your right to seek compensation.

Proving a medical malpractice claim in New Hampshire can be complex and challenging. It requires a thorough understanding of the legal and medical aspects involved. Consulting with an experienced New Hampshire medical malpractice lawyer is crucial to navigate the legal process, gather evidence, obtain expert testimony, and advocate for your rights. An attorney can guide you through each step, ensuring that your claim is properly presented to seek the compensation you deserve for the harm you have suffered.

How a New Hampshire Medical Malpractice Attorney Could Help

If you have been a victim of medical malpractice in New Hampshire, seeking the assistance of a qualified medical malpractice lawyer in New Hampshire is crucial. Our firm can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout the legal process. Contact our Coates Law Office for a free consultation.